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BackMar 18, 2008
This reply is in response to a query by the Singapore Exchange on 18/03/2008

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Tri-M Technologies (S) Limited (the "Company") refers to the query by Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST") regarding the substantial increase in the price of the Company's shares today and wishes to provide the following information:-

Question 1: Are you aware of any information not previously announced concerning you (the issuer), your subsidiaries or associated companies which, if known, might explain the trading?
- If yes, the information must be announced immediately.

The Company's Response: Other than the Company's announcements on 13, 14 and 17 March 2008 regarding the appointment of the new Executive Director and Chairman, proposed acquisition of a company engaged in the business of exploration and production of crude oil for sale and the proposed issue of up to 40,000,000 new ordinary shares in the capital of Tri-M Technologies (S) Limited in connection with the placement by the Company of 40,000,000 shares respectively or any other information relating to these three annnouncements, the Board is not aware of any other information not previously announced concerning the Company, its subsidiaries or associated companies that might explain the trading.

Question 2: Are you aware of any other possible explanation for the trading?

The Company's Response: The Board is not aware of any other possible explanation for the trading.

Question 3: Can you confirm your compliance with the listing rules and, in particular, listing rule 703?

The Company's Response: The Board confirms the Company's compliance with the listing rules and, in particular, listing rule 703.


Foo Sac Phoon
Executive Director

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